I am a teacher. 17 years teaching at the public schools in both middle school and high school mathematics. I still teach, but work now on the business end of things, teaching teachers how to effectively integrate technology into mathematics instruction and trying my best to support teachers whenever I can. But...I am going to come out and say right now - if I had to go back to public school teaching, I wouldn't do it. Nor would I encourage anyone considering this as a career to go there. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love teaching. It is my passion. Yet, when I look at the constant berating that teachers get these days, the blame that is placed on them for the failure of the educational system in our country, the amount of work and time that teachers put in versus the benefits they receive...well, it's not worth it. Are there terrible teachers out there? You bet. I had the 'pleasure' of working with many in my years of teaching and supervising...
This blog is a place for sharing my thoughts and experiences with teachers and schools on edtech, math education and education in general. I love to share and learn with others - Dr. Karen Greenhaus