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Showing posts with the label online job application

Equitable Teaching Practices - What Does That Mean?

 I have been applying to jobs lately for a couple of reasons. Mainly, being an independent education consultant is really difficult in a pandemic, since most of that work involves travel to schools, conferences, or different states to support teacher professional learning initiatives and basically, most of that has dried up. Another reason, which almost seems the opposite reason, is remote positions are more prevalent now, so previous full-time jobs that required specific locations and hours are now going remote. I've been working remotely since 2007, and it's such a consistent part of my life, and important to my lifestyle, especially having to support and help care for my mother with dementia, and now there are more opportunities.  What I am finding as I fill out applications (all online) is the following: It's hard to have a 1-2 page resume/CV when you have been working for over 31 years in education, so I've given up on that! I am 'perfect' for quite a few j...