I am currently overwhelmed right now because there is so much I want to say in response to many articles I have read this week ( What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong About Math Education Again and Again , The 'Mathlash' to Silicon Valley's Move Into Education , U.S. Lag in Science, Math A Disaster Waiting to Happen , Seven Misconceptions About How Students Learn ) as well as an #edchat twitter forum I participated in yesterday on whether the current hierarchical structure of our education system should be changed, and if so, how. Unfortunately, much of what I want to say would require me to do some research to back up my thoughts. Honestly, I don't know that my providing evidence that pedagogy and teacher training is more important than the type of technology initiatives implemented, or STEM education is being hindered by funding, classroom size, lack of teacher support and training, or that standardized testing is a major factor in why mathematics education in this country ...
This blog is a place for sharing my thoughts and experiences with teachers and schools on edtech, math education and education in general. I love to share and learn with others - Dr. Karen Greenhaus