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Showing posts with the label statistics

What is the "Math Path" We Should Encourage Students to Take?

I read this article the other day by Dana Goldstein , "Down with Algebra II!" , which describes professor Andrew Hackers views on mathematics, and how the push for STEM, higher math like Algebra II, is actually creating a the failure and dropout rates we are seeing because it is pushing students into mathematics that is not necessary for their future endeavors and "destroying a tremendous amount of talent". The math requirements in high school and college are "highly irrational". And then my friend sent me the same exact article via Facebook and asked my opinion. (This is what happens when your friends know you are a math person!). So - what is my opinion? I have to say, I completely agree with Andrew Hacker. In fact - I have written about it before a few times: Math Curriculum - What should we be teaching?;  Financial Literacy - Real-world math, REALLY ; Let's teach probability & Statistics - We need it!   Don't get me wrong - I think Al...

The Daily Show and Math

I apologize for the lack of posts of late - I have had a slightly crazy, busy life of late and have not had the time or motivation.  I have been working on my dissertation proposal and defense, which, I will admit is causing me much angst and frustration.  I definitely understand why many folks who get to the ABD (all but dissertation) phase of a doctorate quit.  It is time consuming, especially when working full time and traveling every week for work, not to mention having a family to take care of.  I can't tell you how many times it crosses my mind to stop doing this.  But then, I remember, I am not a quitter. I have come this far, and need to keep going and see this through till the end. What kind of role model would that be for my daughters if I quit so close to the end? So...persevere I must, even if it causes me sleepless nights, crying fits, and little free time! But, I digress.  I do feel guilty about the fact I have not posted something for over ...

Math Curriculum - What should we be teaching?

This article I read this morning by Audrey Watters titled " Is Math Education Too Abstract " hit home for me.  Yes...I think math education is too abstract.  I taught math at both middle and high school for over 17 years, and the majority of that time, with struggling students.  I have to admit, I couldn't see the point of teaching how to solve a quadratic equation to a senior in Algebra for the third time who's future plan was to work in his dad's auto shop. What this boy needed was to have math that was relevant - like how to balance a check book, determine what sale price really gives the best deal, or how to make investments - things he was going to actually do in his future.  With this age of testing and the push for 'algebra for all students', I think we have lost sight that not all students need it. I am NOT saying we shouldn't be aiming high and encouraging students to excel in mathematics, but what I think we should stop doing is forcing all...