I have read a couple articles of late that have kind of pissed me off. Mainly because they perpetuate the ideas that 1) The Common Core State Standards are handed down from the Federal Government, and 2) that the CCSS are the driving force behind Standardized Testing. While there are connections, both claims are a complete disservice to the purpose behind and the reason for The Common Core State Standards. And they completely ignore the fact that Standardized Testing is actually controlled by testing companies and publishing companies. I've already posted on this before - " What People Think Is Common Core ISN'T" and "Common Core, It's NOT the Devil" so I apologize now for being repetitive. One article I read last night, entitled " What's the largest number you can represent with 3 digits? Nope. It's not 999." is a great article. I agree with everything the author said and applaud his sticking by his daughter, the second teache...
This blog is a place for sharing my thoughts and experiences with teachers and schools on edtech, math education and education in general. I love to share and learn with others - Dr. Karen Greenhaus