I apologize for the lack of posts of late - I have had a slightly crazy, busy life of late and have not had the time or motivation. I have been working on my dissertation proposal and defense, which, I will admit is causing me much angst and frustration. I definitely understand why many folks who get to the ABD (all but dissertation) phase of a doctorate quit. It is time consuming, especially when working full time and traveling every week for work, not to mention having a family to take care of. I can't tell you how many times it crosses my mind to stop doing this. But then, I remember, I am not a quitter. I have come this far, and need to keep going and see this through till the end. What kind of role model would that be for my daughters if I quit so close to the end? So...persevere I must, even if it causes me sleepless nights, crying fits, and little free time! But, I digress. I do feel guilty about the fact I have not posted something for over ...
This blog is a place for sharing my thoughts and experiences with teachers and schools on edtech, math education and education in general. I love to share and learn with others - Dr. Karen Greenhaus