I have been trying to avoid taking a stand on the flipped classroom, because in all honesty, I can see advantages if it's done right . But...here's where I am a bit of a pessimist, mainly because I have been in the math and technology education field for over 22 years now - I don't think it's going to be done right MOST OF THE TIME! I think it's just a flipped model of the same old thing - lecture and practice: we've just flipped where those things happen and patted ourselves on the back that we are 'integrating technology'. A lecture is still a lecture and not all that engaging no matter if it's in person or on a computer. Hopefully I am wrong - but I don't think I am. Image courtesy of images.google.com 'flipped classroom' I have had the advantage of seeing K-12 education from various perspectives (teacher, administrator, consultant, teacher trainer, and vendor), and in my very diverse set of experiences, have seen the '...
This blog is a place for sharing my thoughts and experiences with teachers and schools on edtech, math education and education in general. I love to share and learn with others - Dr. Karen Greenhaus