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Showing posts from September, 2012

Lecture, Direct-Instruction or Talk - There's the Confusion!

In yesterday's weekly #edchat Twitter collaboration the discussion focused on the flipped classroom, where, naturally, there was quite a bit of debate around the idea of video lectures. What became apparent was the many different interpretations of the term 'lecture'. This came to the forefront for me when I offered up the idea of TED Talks as one option for learning rather than a teacher's video lecture, and someone said "TED talks are just lectures, so how is that better?" This stumped me as I have never thought of a TED talk as a lecture, which is funny, because now, forced to think about it, I guess they could be construed as lectures, depending on your definition. Which of course has led me to this post!  Obviously, my perception of a lecture is not the same as others. What is MY definition of a lecture? Perhaps it's my many years of being both a student and a teacher, but for me a 'lecture' has rather negative connotations, as I envisio...

The Daily Show and Math

I apologize for the lack of posts of late - I have had a slightly crazy, busy life of late and have not had the time or motivation.  I have been working on my dissertation proposal and defense, which, I will admit is causing me much angst and frustration.  I definitely understand why many folks who get to the ABD (all but dissertation) phase of a doctorate quit.  It is time consuming, especially when working full time and traveling every week for work, not to mention having a family to take care of.  I can't tell you how many times it crosses my mind to stop doing this.  But then, I remember, I am not a quitter. I have come this far, and need to keep going and see this through till the end. What kind of role model would that be for my daughters if I quit so close to the end? So...persevere I must, even if it causes me sleepless nights, crying fits, and little free time! But, I digress.  I do feel guilty about the fact I have not posted something for over ...